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I am OBSESSED with Kombucha! If you asked me four months ago what Kombucha was...I would have looked at you like you had just spoken a foreign language and question marks would have surrounded my head. all honesty, that is exactly how my whole Kombucha extravaganza began. I was in our teachers' lounge, describing to some of my co-workers my husband's new love...Apple Cidar Vinegar. He was on this health kick and chose to drink a shot of the potent stuff, once in the morning and once at night (total blehhh in my book). So, long story short- the HS Science teacher told me that I could get similar health benefits from something a little less potent...Kombucha!! From there on out, I read every blog I could find, watched youtube videos, and googled like a mad woman!!

After numerous nights researching how to improve my family's immune systems I decided making Kombucha was in fact GOING TO HAPPEN :) I began my quest to find someone who would have a SCOBY to share!

Luckily, my school secretary (who is a die-hard kombucha maker) was happy to share her knowledge and SCOBY with me!! When I came home with what I refer to as "our organism", my husband looked at me like I had literally lost my mind!! However...this was not just another fad I was trying- this was the beginning of a whole new lifestyle and a concsious decision to improve our health!

The Kombucha making process was easier than I anticipated, and after getting to know our SCOBY, I finally had the nerve to touch it with my hands rather than haphazardly grab it with a set of tongs!! After I few rounds, I think I've got the hang of this Kombucha brewing process!! Below is my version of how to make Kombucha...

1st Fermentation:

1. Obtain a SCOBY and 1-2 cups of previous Kombucha batch from fellow Kombucha maker.

2. Boil one gallon of water (many people prefer to use filtered water, however I use tap and have never had a problem).

3. Once water has boiled, remove from heat and add one cup sugar.

4. Steep 8-10 black or green tea bags in the boiled water and leave until water is slightly above room temperature.

5. Remove tea bags and pour the sweet tea into the gallon drink dispenser of your choice (Leave room for the 1-2 cups of starter Kombucha and SCOBY).

6. Add the starter Kombucha and SCOBY to the sweet tea.

7. Place cheese cloth or dish towel over the top of the container and tie with string in order to allow the Kombucha to breathe during the 1st fermentation stage. (DO NOT USE THE METAL LID-it will kill your SCOBY)

8. Let Kombucha fermet for 7-15 days depending on how strong you like it.

If you enjoy plain Kombucha you can stop at this point and drink away!! If you prefer a more fizzy and flavored Kombucha you may start the 2nd fermentation.

2nd Fermentation:

1. Get your bottle of choice (These are my favorite!)

2. Pour 100% juice (any flavor) OR fruit into the bottom 1/4 of one of your bottles.

3. Next, fill up the remaining 3/4 bottle with strained Kombucha. (Put a funnel in the bottle with a small strainer on top and pour from the spout of your large batch). Continue process until you fill your desired amount of bottles. *DO NOT USE ALL OF YOUR LARGE BATCH KOMBUCHA!! YOU MUST SAVE AT LEAST 1 CUP TO KEEP YOUR SCOBY IN UNTIL YOUR NEXT BREW!*

4. Cap your bottle and let sit for 2-4 days, until it reaches your desired flavor or fizziness. (Be careful and check in often, if your Kombucha has too much corbonation- it could explode!! Hasn't happened to me, but read a few blogs where it did!)

5. Put bottles in fridge, then drink and enjoy!!

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