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Southern Style Deviled Eggs

Easter is a time of celebration and acknowledgement that we are not all that we think we are, and that God is everything!! In our home we celebrate how Jesus gave the greatest sacrifice to save us from our sins and rose from the grave! In order to fully celebrate, we continue our family Easter traditions which include...decorating eggs, following a trail of jelly beans to the Easter baskets, and of course making and eating copious amounts of Deviled Eggs!!

My mother is from Kentucky which is known for sweet tea, hearty breakfasts, and a dash of sugar in most recipes!! A little sugar never hurt anyone!! Sometimes a girl just needs a little Southern flavor in her life!! Enjoy!

Southern Style Deviled Eggs



  • Dozen Eggs

  • 2/3c. Mayonnaise

  • 2 Tbl. Mustard

  • 2-3 Tbl. Sweet Relish

  • 1 tsp. Sugar

  • Salt & Pepper to Taste

  • Paprika for Topping



1. Place Eggs into pot of water and turn heat to high

2. Once water and eggs come to a slow boil- allow to boil for 1-2 minutes (may need to reduce the heat in order to keep the water from boiling too wildly)

3. Remove from heat and cover with lid-allow eggs to sit covered for 12 minutes

4. Remove eggs from hot water (I like to place mine back into the egg container)

5. Put eggs into fridge to cool (30-60 min)

6. Peel eggs and place yolk into bowl- leave eggs whites out on platter or tupperware for later use

7. In bowl with egg yolks add mayonnaise, mustard, sweet relish, sugar, and salt & pepper

8. Whisk until it reaches desired consistency

9. Scoop into plastic baggie and cut the corner off of the bag in order to pipe filling into the egg whites

10. Sprinkle Paprika over eggs for a beautiful finish, then devour!

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