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Pee Everywhere!!

Potty Training. 10 steps forward...2 steps back. It's a process!!

I have read every potty training blog and have read how amazing everyone is at potty training their toddler in 3 days with no accidents...yeah...okay!!!

My experience with potty training has been good, however we have had and will continue to have "accidents". I say "accidents" because I think our almost 3 year old has recently started to feel jealous of his almost 1 year old sister and is using going potty as a way to get more attention. Due to this new stage we are in, our carpet has taken a beating. #gag #peesmellisnotcute

In order to get rid of the pee smell that is around our house I thought I could spend a ton of money on a carpet steam cleaner OR I could take things into my own hands and get down and dirty. This morning was that day!!!

With our noses to the carpet and buns in the air my son and I searched every carpeted room for stinky pee spots. When we found them we exclaimed "I found one!!" and rubbed this magical mixture on them and waited for them to dry.

I am not kidding, I have tried EVERY dog carpet cleaner, soap concoction, and febreze known to man and NOTHING has worked like this magical mixture!!!! I plan on making this in bulk and keeping a spray bottle handy so that I never have to use my sniffer for old spots of pee ever again!!! Hope this helps all of you mamas out there who are struggling with potty training like I am!! #momlife

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