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Yummy & Healthy Breakfast Cookies

Shout out to all of you stay at home moms....YOU LADIES ROCK!!! I am a teacher so I get the best of both worlds...working mom during the school year, stay at home mom in the summer!!! And let me tell you...stay at home moms have it rough (in the most amazing-crazy-laugh out loud kind of way)! It's like Groundhog Day EVERY-SINGLE-DAY!!! Now that doesn't mean I don't love my kids or my daily tasks while at home, but MAN do things get a little monotonous around here!!

Breakfast is one of those Groundhog Day moments for me...we eat a variety of breakfasts and hardly ever have the same thing two days in a row (mostly because I get super bored eating the same old same old) but my kids get tired of having the usual...toast, egg, cereal, yogurt, fruit combos I come up with. In our house, we typically save the high fat and sugary breakfasts for Saturday mornings so that Dad can enjoy them too!! Anywhoo...breakfast boredom gets me down, so this morning I chose to experiment and holy-moly was it a game changer!!!

Without further ado, let me introduce you to...da daa da daa da daa....BREAKFAST COOKIES!!!!

My Take on the Pinterest Breakfast Cookies:

Preheat oven to 425 degrees while you throw all of this into your Cuisinart...or man handle it with a wooden spoon old school style and mix until combined!!

2-3 Ripe bananas

1 1/2c. dry oats (I used old-fashioned but quick oats would work too)

1/2c. applesauce

1/2c. honey

1/2c. peanut butter (or a substitute)

1c. flour

1-2 eggs (use one and if needed add another)

2 tsp. cinnamon

1tsp. baking powder

1/4c. chocolate chips

If they seem too dry add a little bit more applesauce. Bake for 10 minutes give or take depending on your oven:) If you or your kids are like mine....these will be gobbled up in no time!! Happy Eating!!!

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