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Butternut Squash Fries

Dinner time is always a circus at our house!! I usually have a baby on my hip while trying to prepare a fairly delicious and nutritious meal, while our two year old clings to my leg whining for a snack, and my husband hovers over me while eating his pre-dinner 1/2 bag of tortilla chips (grrr!!). As my girlfriend stated the other day, "THERE ARE LIKE 5 THINGS GOING ON AT ONCE!!!". The sad part is- my husband and I are so used to the chaos that we hardly notice how wack-a-doo our lives have become... Oh, the joys of parenting!

In order to feel fairly on top of things, I meal plan my face off!! Meal planning makes my life easier considering the craziness that is our house at 5:30pm on weeknights! So, in addition to meal planning...making baby food has become a large part of my Sunday Funday!! I have been steaming, baking, and mixing up baby food since our son was young and continue this process for our 9 month old baby girl.

Maisie, our daughter, is getting her very first tooth and is LOVING finger food! She absolutely loves butternut squash, and now that she prefers finger food, I thought fries might be the way to go!! They are easy to hold, flavorful, and healthy for my growing little girl! Here's a quick and easy recipe for busy weeknights!

Butternut Squash Fries-Baby Approved:


2- Butternut Squash

2 Tablespoons Oil (I use avocado oil but you can use any kind)

Pinch of Salt

Italian Seasoning

1. Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees

2. Cut butternut squash into fourths (scoop out seeds and remove skin)

3. Cut squash into 1/4 matchstick pieces

4. Toss with 2 tablespoons of oil, season with a pinch of salt, and add a light sprinkle of Italian Seasoning

5. Spread squash evenly onto baking sheet

6. Bake 10-15 minutes

7. Check and turn pieces over in order to crisp all sides

8. Bake additional 10-15 minutes or until fries have reached desired crispiness

9. Eat and enjoy!!

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