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Strawberry Cinnamon Apple Kombucha

Yep, here I am again... talking about my absolute LOVE for Kombucha!!!! As my Booch journey continues I learn more and more about what flavors I like AND how to really make it fizz!!!

I have the best luck making fizzy Booch when I use real fruit. My last batch was a HUGE success!!!! The top literally blew off and Booch exploded all over my counter!!! I had been following a bunch of Kombucha Instagram users and envied them for their Kombucha fizz videos... don't's a whole community I never knew existed...and yes, it's weird...but hey, there are worse habits to get into ;) Anyway...I was so elated to have finally had an explosive batch that I just enjoyed watching it fizz all over the place and I refused to clean it up until it quit exploding!!

Don't believe in my fizz making ability...check out my sweet video!!!!!! (and yes, I am officially "one of those people")!!

Now, after waiting 2 weeks for my Booch to go through the first fermentation process I decided I wanted to spice up my batch this round and try mixing it up! I love strawberry kombucha and my little 2.5 year old LOVES apples, so naturally I decided to pair those two flavors together!! I have also been adding cinnamon to my teas and treats due to all of the health benefits so naturally I felt it would be a great addition to my batch! Here is how I packed each bottle for the 2nd fermentation process:

For five-16 ounce bottles you will need:

1-2 apple(s) cut up into small pieces and divide amongst all 5 bottles

1/2 a large strawberry per bottle cut up into small pieces

1 tsp. cinnamon per bottle--The cinnamon was tricky to get into the bottles so I used the funnel, poured the cinnamon into the funnel and then poured the booch into the bottle through the funnel which washed the cinnamon into the bottle :)

Once all ingredients are in bottle fill up with your booch from the first fermentation, cap, and wait 2-4 days before opening!! Make sure to open your bottle over a container (I use a cereal bowl) so that you do not lose the sweet, healthy, and fizzy brew you created!!!

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